Saturday, September 24, 2011

Finally Settled In!

Sorry for taking so long to keep this blog updated. We have had some interesting times so far in PR. The traffic here is nuts it's not like anything we have ever seen before and customer services, well for a lack of a better word BLOWS!  We signed up for internet for our home and after two weeks of  no service and dozens of calls to the company we finally gave up and went with another company, part of the reason we didn't update our blog. Going to dinner is a several hour experince and waiting in line to pay for something takes FOR-EV-ER.
Miranda has been taking a Spanish class twice a week on the Coast Guard base and Mike has started working midnights at the Pet Hotel at Petsmart. Miranda is really enjoying her new office and co-workers and she is almost finished with her Yeoman Distances Learning course and will hopefully make Third Class Petty Officer soon.We were able to get released from government housing and after looking at only three different places we found the most amazing condo in Carolina, right near the San Juan Airport. There is a photo tour of our condo on Facebook if you care to take a peek. Miranda was able to purchase a 2003 Ford Explorer from a fellow Coastie for a great deal! It's nice to have a big car in the family.
Miranda's mom and friend Helen went on a cruise out of San Juan last week then stayed with us this past week. They brought us rum back from every island. Now we are prepared for when Mike's dad comes for a visit.  While they were here we drove to the west side of the island and went to Crash Boat Beach to go for a swim and catch some sun. We had a great time having house guests and we are miss them already and Mochi was sad to see his grandma go.
Well we are all settled into our new place and getting adjusted to life in PR. We love the warm weather and are making new friends. We look forward to exploring PR and the surrounding islands. We miss all of our friends and family and hope that you can come out to visit us and this beautiful island some time soon.